
Threds, Inc, is located in Knoxville, Tennessee and oversees the daily operations of the Mercury ProTeam Merchandise and Apparel program. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can contact us at 1-865-299-4592 or by contacting us here.



The Mercury ProTeam Apparel site is operated by Threds, Inc. under the permission of Mercury Marine / Brunswick Corporation. This site is exclusively for Mercury Marine-sponsored anglers. The clothing items are not meant for the general public nor to be made available for resale through any other mediums (websites, retail stores, boating events, etc.). By purchasing from this site, you are agree that you are a representative of Mercury Marine, as a sponsored ProTeam Angler, and acknowledge that the use of products, logins, or this site by any other party, for any other purpose, is trademark infringement and subject to liquidated damages of five hundred US dollars ($500.00) per item purchased.

If you are not a sponsored professional Mercury ProTeam Angler, please visit MecuryDockstore.com to purchase mercury branded lifestyle apparel and merchandise.